Fire UAV series
Observe and attack UAV
Target aircraft series
Fire fighting bomb series
Water rescue ship
Police UAV
UAV command
UAV Ground Control System
Fire UAV series
Observe and attack UAV
Target aircraft series
Fire fighting bomb series
Water rescue ship
Police UAV
UAV command
UAV Ground Control System
Drone management is a means, safety is the goal
On October 31, 2017, the "2017 Security UAV Innovation Application and Anti-UAV Technology Seminar" hosted by China UAV Industry Alliance and Shenzhen UAV Industry Association and undertaken
2020/08/11 3
Jincheng aviation ranks among the top ten in China
自1985年创立以来,Macworld博览会已经成为全球最具影响力的苹果生态圈的盛会。本届博览会以“创新定义未来”为主题,将于8月21日在北京国家会议中心拉开帷幕。届时,Parallels也会参加此次博览会,向消费者展示其创新的产品与技术。 “在技术更迭如此快速的今天,创新是企业可持续发展的驱动力。” Parallel
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